Declutter to Keep it Simple
Living life is a simple and an innate process, not specifically putting forward any specific agenda or attaching particular expectations from the one who is living it unless that individual starts making it tough for him or herself.
This basic governing principle of life, most of the time, is learned a hard way by majority of us.
First making life difficult and then complaining about cannot be termed as a “human nature” but, over time, it has become a “human nature” since we started moving our lives away from its foundational simple and natural environment.
To me, I see people living in their self created worlds that are not as comforting as the natural world is because humans and human minds have many limitations, leaving them struggling to create a perfect world without actually achieving it. This not only keeps them away from the real world — depriving from enjoying the bounties it offers, but also adds to their frustration resulting from the failure to achieve a perfect life in a perfect world.
Doing all this, mostly, one loses the track of time while life keeps slipping, raising concerns resulting in either sadness or disappointment or sometime even shame and a sense of guilt.
But, should that be the end of it — hopelessness and despair? No!
The sooner this realization hits you, the better it is.
First of all, do not let any sort of remorse overcome you rather do these two most important things:
ONE — forget what you had been doing to make things worse for you, as quick as you can; and,
TWO —start acknowledging countless hopeful reasons the nature has to offer.
Secondly, while appreciating the life you still got and acknowledging its uncertain leftover span, start valuing even the smallest blessings you are bestowed with.
And, lastly, start making it simple for yourself and for others around you without letting the past impact you and opening up your true self.
Staying close to reality and truths; avoiding artificial feelings and fake acts; ignoring negativity and hate; showing intolerance to discrimination and judgement; and above all, sticking to a set of principles that become your identity, can help achieving the goal of a simple and straightforward life.
This process of getting control of your life to start living in a more organic world with better prospects of happiness and contentment can be made further easy by practicing some of these:
- Take a pause, wherever you are in your life, and re-set priorities both for people and tasks that are important to you — cut a balance.
“Ignoring yourself in the middle of many stakeholders in your life is a loss for everyone.”
- Stay as straightforward as you can, avoiding unnecessary and damaging confrontation attached to being blunt which could be less candid at times.
“Calling a visually impaired person blind in the face is no straightforwardness.”
- Not only avoid but take hypocrisy out of your life completely. This is a very basic and most important lesson for being truthful to your ownself.
“Practice what you preach and preach what you practice.”
- Reconnect with the basics and value nature. Though technology is good, do not let it eat up your life.
“Think and live as organic as possible.”
- Not only physically but also in spirit, start removing unimportant and useless stuff out of your life.
“Declutter to keep it simple.”
One last thing, it is never too late to realize how precious a life is and that each one of us is primarily responsible for one life, at least, with proper and complete control of it— your own life!