Baba Loves You!
Being a father to three lovely kids, I always feel challenged to plan the best for their future focusing less on professional careers and more on their mere existence as beings. What I think of value for them, putting in as pieces of advice every now and then, might be of some benefit to other kids, and parents like me who want to leave this world with better men and women. These blogs will contain anything and everything I want to tell my children to help them grow with the most humane, considerate and tolerant souls.
Let me quickly introduce us in this very first blog — the characters to repeat in my later blogs: my name is Tahir, 40 years old serving in public sector for the last fourteen years and happily married to Sara — my wife, for an equal number of years, who gave me these three beautiful children. Shehryar is our elder son — a 7 grader with some budding interest in computer engineering and games, if I may mention the fever of #fortnite. Second, we have our darling daughter Amna in her 5th grade — a very disciplined, unlike the boys, and focused student, eyeing to become a doctor when she grows up. And, finally, the little monster Hadi who has just started his elementary school and keeps us surprised all the time with his imaginations and innovations.
My narration and this photo might give an impression of a very kind and loving father, though it is true to some extent but at the same time I also play the monitor & police in our household; if no one believes, next time I will try to catch expressions of the faces of these kids when I enter home back from office 🙂 as I strongly believe that our kids deserve this role of a somewhat realistic mentor and guide in their lives that no one can play better than a parent because no one can love the kids more than their parents, and any advice or instruction with this ingrained unconditional love could be the pill without a bad taste but the right effect.